- How do I interrupt unconscious stimulus-response patterns that hinder me in everyday life?
- How do I experience more lightness again instead of feeling driven?
- How do I remain calm, internally clear and focused even in stressful times?
Do you sometimes feel exhausted or like you're on a hamster wheel? You would like to interrupt your carousel of thoughts and find inner peace? Do you wish for more ease and serenity in your everyday life?
In Mindful Self Leadership Coaching we explore together different mindfulness practices and methods to deal with stress. The focus is on developing your self-control skills as well as your attention.
You will learn to be present in the present moment and notice your patterns of thinking, feeling and behaving under stress. This creates a space between stimulus and reaction, which makes level-headedness and creativity possible.
In Mindful Self Leadership Coaching I combine approaches from Mindfulness with coaching impulses from Resilience and Positive Psychology. In this way, a change can take place with regard to your mindset as well as your behavior and you can unfold your own potential.
Mindful Self Leadership Coaching is tailored to your individual situation and helps you to integrate mindfulness practice into your own daily life and/or organization. And because the focus is on you as a whole person, more mindfulness will radiate into both your professional and personal life.

Advent, advent
...the contemplative time of pausing, silence and conscious enjoyment
Really? Or rather the time when gift lists are being worked through, deadlines are pressing and the pre-Christmas hustle and bustle turns into stress?

Mindful Self Care Workshop
Achtsame Selbstfürsorge in herausfordernden Zeiten
- Ganztägiger Workshop in Präsenz
- Für alle, denen ihre gesunde Selbstführung am Herzen liegt
- Optionales Einzelcoaching zu indviduellen Fragestellungen im Nachgang

Workshop Glück im Hier und Jetzt - 10. Februar in Frankfurt
Mit Achtsamkeit zu mehr Glück, Lebensfreude und Wohlbefinden in turbulenten Zeiten
In diesem Workshop erkundest Du mit Hilfe von Meditationen, Achtsamkeitsübungen, Reflexionen und Impulsen aus Positiver Psychologie und Neurowissenschaften, wie Du Deinen Geist für mehr Mitgefühl und Dankbarkeit öffnest. Du erforschst Deine eigenen Quellen von Freude und Glück und entwickelst im vertrauensvollen Austausch in der Kleingruppe konkrete Ideen für die Umsetzung in Deinen Alltag. Mehr Infos dazu im Flyer.

Summary from the Mindful Selfcare workshop
We are all experiencing a very challenging time, both individually and globally. What do we focus our attention on in the midst of all this uncertainty? And how can we take good care of ourselves and find inner peace? ❓
This was the idea behind my full-day workshop "Mindful Selfcare", which I held as a charity event to benefit Ukraine Emergency Aid.

Mindful Selfcare Workshop
Achtsame Selbstfürsorge in herausfordernden Zeiten
We are all experiencing a very challenging time, both individually and globally. What gives us support in times of crisis? What do we focus our attention on in the face of all the uncertainty? And how can we find inner peace and draw strength?
I offer a full-day mindfulness workshop in Frankfurt on May 13 focusing on these topics. I will double the net proceeds and donate the sum to an aid organization for Ukraine.

Self-awareness & reflection
The more precisely we observe and reflect on our personal experience in challenging situations, the better we will be able to track down our patterns of thinking and behavior. We are more aware of our inner processes. And we recognize how our judgments and beliefs influence our experience and behavior.
If we strengthen the observer in us, we can interrupt obstructive automatic reactions and react more effectively. This creates greater freedom in the spirit of Viktor Frankl: "Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom."

Selbstmitgefühl – Eine Übung nicht nur für die Feiertage
In diesem Jahr ist durch COVID-19 alles ganz anders – auch Weihnachten. Und auch wenn die Weihnachtszeit eigentlich für Freude und Zusammengehörigkeit steht, kann sie selbst in einem Jahr ohne Pandemie Gefühle von Stress, Enttäuschung und Konflikten hervorrufen.
Nicht nur für die Feiertage: Eine Übung zu Selbstmitgefühl, um mit unseren Erwartungen an die Feiertage und an uns selbst achtsam umzugehen.