- How do we create an environment in which employees are happy to take on more responsibility?
- And what mindset is helpful for this?
- How can we rethink collaboration and leadership?
The term New Work has become popular, yet it is already four decades old. As early as the late 1970s, Frithjof Bergmann used it to call for a radical change in the world of work. For him, the purpose of work was the development of one's own personality and creativity: "What do you really, really want to do?"
Today, the professional world is undergoing radical change, and the term New Work is interpreted very differently and also very broadly. There are very different questions behind it, such as:
- How can we rethink leadership styles and organizational models?
- Which agile methods and tools promote collaboration and innovation in organizations?
- How can flexible working models be adapted to the individual needs of the employees?
- What new mindset and inner competencies do we need for the VUCA world?
- How can we design work in a way that focuses on meaningfulness, motivation and appreciation?
- How would it be if companies contributed to solving the challenges of tomorrow?
In essence, New Work seeks answers to the question of how we will work in the future and how we want to work.
The manner in which this is achieved varies greatly from company to company. Because there is no such thing as one solution. And not everything that has worked in the past has to be thrown overboard.
In most cases, "Best of Old & New Work" is the successful approach. Let's discuss how to match these two worlds.

New Leadership - what makes the difference that really makes the difference?
Report from the isb openInnovation 2023
"New Leadership - what makes the difference that makes the difference?"
...was the theme of the 24-hour sprint isb #openInnovation, which I took part in last week together with Heike Schachtsiek and 70 other creative minds in Augsburg.
❓ How will leadership change in order to deal with the dilemmas and challenges of our time?

Design Thinking Workshop
Neues Mindset, neue Ideen, neue Energie
- Ganztägiger Workshop in Präsenz
- Für alle, die Design Thinking kennenlernen und direkt anwenden wollen
- Geeignete Fragestellungen können im Vorfeld besprochen werden
- Silos werden aufgebrochen, positive Veränderungsenergie und ein Gefühl der Eigenverantwortung ensteht

Agile collaboration - success board
The lack of face-to-face and informal encounters is probably one of the biggest challenges when teams collaborate exclusively virtually. Individual team members can feel isolated or unappreciated. And the "we" feeling, the bond or the view of the big picture also suffer in the long term.
The agile toolbox provides helpful ideas for designing virtual collaboration, even if the team does not usually work in an agile environment. Using a virtual success board not only makes the contribution of each individual team member to team objectives visible. The regular visualization of successes also draws attention to what has been achieved and provides appreciation. Both are particularly important in challenging times.

Führung neu denken
Begeben Sie sich mit uns auf eine virtuelle Lernreise. Arbeiten Sie online und offline an Ihrer eigenen Entwicklung und Ihren Fragen rund um Selbstführung, Führung und Zusammenarbeit. 6 interaktive Module werden durch Einzelcoachings und kollegiale Peertreffen ergänzt. Dauer: 5 Monate

New Work: Schöne neue Arbeitswelt der Generation Y
Immer mehr Unternehmen setzen auf agile Formen der Arbeitsorganisation und starten Projekte, die hierarchische Strukturen reduzieren und Mitarbeitern mehr Verantwortung übertragen. In diesem Artikel auf der Website meines Kooperationspartners PfO gebe ich einen Einblick, wie ich die Veränderung der Arbeitswelt in der Praxis wahrnehme.

Buchempfehlung: Agil und erfolgreich führen
Agilität ist eines dieser Buzzwords, das einem heutzutage überall begegnet. Doch was bedeutet Agilität eigentlich? Und wie lässt sich dieser Ansatz ganz konkret im Führungsalltag einsetzen? Dieser Frage geht das Buch “Agil und erfolgreich führen” von Katrin Greßer und Renate Freisler nach und bietet dabei eine Fülle an praxisorientierten Übungen und Instrumenten.