- What is the influence of my personal leadership style on the well-being and efficiency of my employees?
- How do I promote a quality of cooperation which allows my employees to perform at a high level?
- What if I enabled my employees to develop their strengths and talents?
What is it that makes companies successful? And what keeps employees motivated, engaged and healthy?
Answers to these questions can be found in the positive leadership approach, which is based on the psychology of successful work and life design (positive psychology). In contrast to the more deficit-oriented classical approaches, Positive Leadership relies on a consistently strength-oriented and potential-creating basic attitude.
Positive leadership creates an environment in which people flourish, develop their potential and find meaning in their work. This is of growing importance in dealing with the opportunities and challenges of New Work.
Positive Leadership has been shown to improve employees' emotional well-being, learning, engagement, and creativity. At the organizational level, the effects can be seen in a good working atmosphere, increased productivity and a positive influence on the corporate culture, among other things.
In individual coaching or in workshops with the entire management team, we not only consider tangible implementation options, but also the mindset behind Positive Leadership.

Happiness is no coincidence.
It thrives in #relationships.
After 87 years of research, the Harvard Study of Adult Development, the longest-running study on human development, shows that it is not professional success or our bank balance that determines our happiness in old age, but the quality of our relationships. People with fulfilling, close relationships tend to be happier and healthier.

Mentorin with MentorMe
Accompanying people on their journey
Sometimes it's the people who accompany us on our journey that shape us the most. That's why I'm delighted to be able to support others as a mentor at MentorMe. #Mentoring is a common theme that has been present throughout my professional life.

The future of leadership
Positive leadership - five key factors for strong teams
- How do we create solidarity and trusting working relationships in hybrid teams?
- In my role as a project manager, how do I create a suitable framework for more potential development in the team?
- As a manager, how do I deal with the expectations of the younger generations?
The students and alumni of Frankfurt School of Finance & Management raised these and other intriguing questions in my two online workshops "Positive Leadership - Five keys to more effective teams".

World Happiness Report 2023
Sustainable Development Solutions Network
The World Happiness Report is being published annually on the occasion of the International Day of Happiness on 20 March. Finland is once again at the top, followed by Denmark in second place, then Iceland. Germany has slipped from 14th to 16th position in 2023.

Random Acts of Kindness
Kindness is contagious
"Remember there's no such thing as a small act of kindness. Every act creates a ripple with no logical end” - Scott Adams
➡ February 17th is Random Acts of Kindness Day.

Blick auf Gelungenes und Positives
Forschungen aus der Positiven Psychologie zeigen, dass folgende fünf Elemente zum Wohlbefinden von Menschen beitragen:
● Positive Emotions: Das regelmäßige Erleben positiver Gefühle
● Engagement: Das Einsetzen der eigenen Stärken
● Relationships: Zugehörigkeit/ Netzwerk positiver Beziehungen
● Meaning: Das Erleben von Sinnhaftigkeit
● Accomplishment: Erfolgserlebnisse durch Zielerreichung

Spaß bei der Arbeit
„Was verdirbt Ihnen die Arbeitsfreude?“ Diese Frage hat Nico Rose mehr als 900 Arbeitnehmern gestellt und daraus interessante Erkenntnisse abgeleitet – u.a. auch Führung als “Pain Point”.

Positive Leadership
Ruth Seliger beschreibt den Paradigmenwechsel von der klassischen Management-Kultur hin zum Positive Leadership. Dahinter verbirgt sich der Ansatz, dass eine wertschätzende und stärkenbasierte Führungsarbeit organisationale Kräfte freisetzt, die in traditionell geführten Unternehmen ungenutzt bleiben.
Das Buch enthält neben den theoretischen Grundlagen eine Vielzahl an praxisorientierten Methoden und Leitfragen, die Führungskräfte unmittelbar einsetzen können.