Stur wie ein Esel?

05.06.2024 | Sabine Langrock

Kluge (Selbst-)führung in Zeiten der Multikrisen

During a donkey hike, I was able to learn a lot about and from donkeys. The most important insight: donkeys are not stubborn, but true masters of composure. Ali the donkey slowed me down from the very first moment. I had to reduce my speed to 3 km/h to be able to walk at eye level with him. And again and again he stopped, pricked up his ears and planted his hooves firmly in the ground.

But why am I telling you this? Apart from the fact that animal photos evoke positive emotions.
The donkey subtly took the lead on the hike and inspired me as to what clever (self-)leadership looks like in times of multiple crises.

  •     Considered action & composure: Donkeys rarely panic, but stop and analyze the situation when faced with danger. Their supposed stubbornness is actually clever behavior that managers can take as a model in times of crisis.
  •     Calmness & endurance: Donkeys cannot be rushed and are very sure-footed. Especially in times of uncertainty, it is helpful when managers radiate confidence and calm.
  •     Empathy: Donkeys have a good sense of their environment and react carefully to the most subtle changes. A keen eye and an open ear for the mood in the team are valuable, not only when there is a crisis.
  •     Self-care: Donkeys know their limits and take what they need: breaks, food and protection from the wet. This self-care keeps them healthy. Only those who look after themselves can lead others well.

Some tips on how you can integrate these aspects into your day-to-day management:
✅ Pause: Use the STOP method (Stop, Take a breath, Observe, Proceed) to get out of autopilot in hectic phases. You keep a cool head and act more consciously.
Mindfulness practice: Just a few minutes of meditation a day will help you to stay calm and make clear decisions. Short breathing exercises are perfect energy boosters in times of stress.
✅ Empathy: Be present for the needs of your team. Take your time and listen carefully to what moves people. This will create a climate of trust that will carry you through challenging times.
✅ Breaks: Pay attention to your body's signals and plan regular (micro)breaks, even if your calendar doesn't seem to allow for them. This is not a luxury, but helps you to stay in your (leadership) power.

✨ Do you want more serenity and clarity in your leadership role?
As a coach and expert in resilience & mindfulness, I would be happy to support you. I look forward to hearing from you and having an initial chat!

Do you have any questions
Or a specific request?

In a personal conversation we can discuss first ideas and explore the possibilities for cooperation. I look forward to meeting you - whether face to face or online.




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