Random Acts of Kindness

17.02.2023 | Sabine Langrock

Kindness is contagious

"Remember there's no such thing as a small act of kindness. Every act creates a ripple with no logical end” - Scott Adams

➡ February 17th is Random Acts of Kindness Day.

The idea behind "make kindness the norm" also deserves our attention on the other 364 days of the year. But for today's Random Acts of Kindness Day, I'd like to focus on the positive effects of kindness.

Did you know that kindness increases your oxytocin, your serotonin, your energy levels and even your life expectancy? At the same time, kindness reduces pain, stress, anxiety, depression and blood pressure. ❤️ The link to the studies can be found below.

Kindness is also contagious. The positive effects of kindness are perceived in the brains of all those who have experienced friendly gestures. This improves their mood and increases the likelihood that they will in turn pass on kindness.

❓So ask yourself: Have you been kind today?
Make kindness your norm and change your world.

#kindness #randomactsofkindness #mindfulness #bethechange #yeswemli #smile #MakeKindnessTheNorm #RandomActsOfKindnessDay
The Random Acts of Kindness Foundation

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