Confidence and team strength

10.07.2024 | Sabine Langrock

Two public workshops with me at the Tibet House

I would like to invite you to two exciting workshops in September and October.
I am very much looking forward to sharing my experiences and insights on two of my favorite topics with you.

More confidence and ease in challenging times (September):
We reflect on impulses and approaches on how we can cultivate courage for the future and inner strength in our world that is characterized by crises. Discover how you can shape the future with confidence and serenity. In this workshop, you will work on your toolkit for more resilience in turbulent times!

How teams can flourish and grow (October):
In this workshop, we will explore the question of how teams can unfold their full potential. Based on insights from positive psychology, you will learn how to create a culture of strength orientation and appreciation in your team. A practical workshop for anyone - with or without leadership experience - wanting to take their team to the next level!


I am particularly grateful that I have the opportunity to run these two workshops in cooperation with Tibet House Germany and in their beautiful rooms.

My own journey to practicing mindfulness started 12 years ago when I attended an MBSR course at the Tibethaus - an important turning point in my personal development.

Now I have the opportunity to set new impulses together with you in this special place and explore ways to more confidence and team strength.

➡ Are you joining in? You can find the links to register below

➡ Do you have any questions about the workshops? Or would you like to customize these topics for your team? I look forward to hearing from you.

#Workshop #Mindfulness #Resilience #PositivePsychology #Future Courage #Crisis #Confidence #StrongTeams

Do you have any questions
Or a specific request?

In a personal conversation we can discuss first ideas and explore the possibilities for cooperation. I look forward to meeting you - whether face to face or online.




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