Do you know the 7 types of rest?

06.08.2024 | Sabine Langrock

How to recharge your batteries in everyday life

Summertime - for many, it's the time to finally switch off. But I am convinced that relaxation should not only take place on vacation. Dr. Saundra Dalton-Smith describes seven types of relaxation that are essential for our well-being.

Physical rest When we think of rest, we immediately think of a good night's sleep. But other forms of physical regeneration are also important: a power nap, a yoga session or a massage work wonders.
Mental rest Your brain needs time out from constant thinking and brooding. Journaling, a body scan or a few breathing exercises between meetings will help you clear your head.
Sensory rest In our overstimulated world, it's important to give your senses a break. Reduce screen time, enjoy a moment of peace and quiet with a cup of tea or take a walk in the woods.
Emotional rest Under pressure, we often experience an emotional whirlpool. Develop routines that relieve you emotionally: be it conversations with trusted people, self-compassion exercises or capturing moments of gratitude.
Social rest People around us can strengthen or exhaust us. Plan time with those who are good for you and set clear boundaries for stressful commitments. Time alone can also help you to recharge your batteries.
Creative rest Creativity refreshes and revitalizes our souls. Whether through art, music or new experiences, let your imagination run wild. Discover unknown countries, try out new recipes or a creative hobby.
Spiritual rest A deeper connection to yourself or to something greater can give you inner peace and balance. Volunteer, meditate regularly or spend time in nature to realign your inner compass.

From my coaching practice
An executive, let's call her Kim, feels exhausted despite sleep and vacation. She spends her breaks in front of screens. She broods a lot and finds it difficult to switch off. Above all, she lacks mental and sensory rest. Targeted measures such as screen-free periods and regular mindfulness breaks quickly make a difference: Kim feels clearer in her head and less exhausted.

➡️ What form of relaxation are you missing right now? Use the summer to find out how to recharge your batteries holistically. Your future self will thank yo

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