Letting go

19.06.2024 | Sabine Langrock

The key to change

How often have you experienced that letting go has paved the way for something new? Letting go - a word that is easy to say, but often difficult to put into practice. What do we need to be able to really let go in these uncertain times?

These thoughts have been on my mind since I took part in an inspiring workshop on the topic of letting go at Villa Gründergeist last week. 20 people from different contexts came together and met with openness and connection. A big thank you to Valeria, Susanne, Stefan and Georg for the great concept & facilitation.
Stories that move hearts
We practiced letting go ourselves. We immersed ourselves in deep dialogs and shared our personal stories of (not) letting go. We also talked about our feelings and needs when letting go and the underlying patterns.
Our stories were as diverse as we were and opened up new perspectives on the topic of letting go. Letting go means something different for everyone: sometimes it is liberating and empowering, sometimes a real challenge, even painful. It often involves joy and confidence, sadness or worry - and sometimes everything at the same time.
Courage, curiosity and new paths
When telling my own story of letting go, I realized once again that letting go is part of life and creates space for something new. When courage and curiosity accompany the process, it is easier to embrace it. Letting go also has many dimensions within an organizational context. Transformation processes are often about letting go of outdated structures, processes or behaviors - and at the same time finding a good balance between letting go and holding on. Sometimes we want to leave fixed beliefs and expectations behind and realize that we are falling back into old patterns. Letting go also means having confidence in the unknown and creating space for innovation - but how can we manage all of this with a busy calendar?
Letting go creates space for new things
What are your personal stories about letting go? What is needed to make letting go feel easy for you?
What do you keep holding on to in your organization? And what could you let go of to make something new possible?

#leadership #transformation #innovation #cultural change #letting go #future viability

Do you have any questions
Or a specific request?

In a personal conversation we can discuss first ideas and explore the possibilities for cooperation. I look forward to meeting you - whether face to face or online.




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