Report from COCON24

17.05.2024 | Sabine Langrock

Insights & Connection

I'm taking away fresh inspiration and positive energy from COCON24 - as well as a few very personal highlights from the two days:

Tristan Horx's inspiring keynote speech offered us a wildly optimistic view of the future. The transition to the digital-human age offers enormous opportunities for innovation and sustainable growth. This makes it all the more important to actively shape this change and see it as an opportunity.

In Peter Fischer's “My Boss is an AI” workshop, we asked ourselves which aspects of leadership we could and want to outsource to AI. I particularly like the idea of seeing humans and AI as a team with superpowers: a “both-and” instead of an “either-or”.

Dr. Carl Naughton spoke about curiosity as an innate drive for knowledge and learning that is anchored in our brains. However, curiosity is also a question of attitude (“Why not?”), which can be useful when exploring the possibilities of AI.

Do you have any questions
Or a specific request?

In a personal conversation we can discuss first ideas and explore the possibilities for cooperation. I look forward to meeting you - whether face to face or online.




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