self-organization in bee colonies

08.05.2024 | Sabine Langrock

inspiration for managers?

Watching a swarm of bees is a very special spectacle. Thousands of bees setting off together and initially gathering into a compact cluster in the plum tree. The efficiency of bees fascinates me every time, not only as a hobby beekeeper, but also as a coach and consultant. How do these little animals manage to work together so successfully without a boss? And how does communication between thousands of team members work?


Bee colonies are highly self-organized. Each bee has its own task: whether as a forager, guard or nurse bee - each one takes responsibility from day one and contributes to the well-being of the whole. And all this without micromanagement from above! Instead, the bees constantly communicate with each other in order to coordinate and harmonize.

When a new queen hatches, part of the colony leaves the hive with the old queen. In search of a new location, the swarm of bees sends out scouts. They explore possible options and communicate their preference through dance movements. Eventually, the colony agrees on the best solution without a single bee taking the lead.

Doesn't that sound like a prime example of self-organized teams? In fact, there are parallels: Clear roles and responsibilities, information sharing, collective decision-making. In companies, too, we often wish for more initiative and responsibility. And yet the principles of bee colonies cannot be transferred one-to-one to human teams. This is because bees follow a genetically anchored program, whereas we humans have more complex needs and motivations.

However, self-organization in the bee colony shows that leadership does not always have to take place at the top in order to achieve top performance. In the end, it's about being successful together and making our contribution to the whole. Just like the bees.

This is how you as a manager promote self-organization in the team:

  •     Ensure clear goals and values that everyone can align themselves with.
  •     Promote open communication and information sharing within the team.
  •     Encourage everyone to take responsibility and contribute their own ideas.
  •     Trust your team to make the right decisions and give them the necessary freedom.
  •     See yourself as an enabler and coach, support and create conducive conditions.

#leadership #self-organization #team #transformation #change

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