- How do we successfully kick off, realign or further develop the team?
- How can we use the individual and collective strengths in the team even better?
- Where do we see ourselves as a team and how do we solve the challenges that the future holds for us?
Accelerated innovation cycles, complex challenges, advancing digitalization - our working world is changing faster than ever before. And with it, new forms of collaboration are emerging. Silos are being broken down and replaced by agile, diverse teams that are reassembled depending on the project.
But the shift toward increased collaboration, self-organization and co-creativity not only offers opportunities, but also creates new challenges. As the half-life of teams decreases, changing team members and ad hoc project groups lead to ever new team dynamics and tensions. Therefore, it is even more important than before to periodically and jointly review and adjust the "how" of the collaboration.
In addition to role clarity in the team, psychological security in particular is one of the keys to successful teams. When team members can openly address their fears and conflicts, a culture of trust is created in which people support each other. And especially in times of hybrid and remote teams, shared values and a sense of belonging are essential for solution-oriented collaboration.
Good reasons for a team workshop:
- We've restructured as a team or have a new manager. How do we position ourselves for the future? And how do we want to work together in the future?
- Our tasks, goals and responsibilities in the team have changed. We need clarity about our roles and expectations.
- What is our common purpose? What values connect us? How do we continue to grow together?
- How can we make our communication and collaboration more efficient?
- How do we make the best use of our existing strengths and potentials for the common goal?
- Where do we see ourselves as a team? And how do we want to develop as a team? And what mindset do we need for this?
- How do we strengthen ourselves in challenging times? How do we deal with the emotional dynamics of change?
In a time out from the daily work environment, the team members experience what it takes to be a strong team and what resources are already available. They step back and jointly develop new perspectives for successful collaboration. They return to their everyday work with a strengthened team understanding and a clear, self-developed plan of action.
Because teams and their framework conditions are different, the format of each team workshop is always individual. But all my customized team workshops have one thing in common: there is plenty of room for reflection, dialogue and shared experience. And a little bit of ease is also allowed. This allows both the individuals and the team as a whole to grow.
Together we will decide on the appropriate framework for your topics - whether in presence or virtually.

18 years, 5 people, 1 special story
About why our peer group is more than just a professional network
Five times a year, we pack our bags and meet up in the beautiful region of Palatinate, always from Friday to Saturday. These dates are a must in our calendars. And we put everything else aside for our peer meetings - because they are some of the most valuable moments of the year!

Confidence and team strength
Two public workshops with me at the Tibet House
I would like to invite you to two exciting workshops in September and October.
I am very much looking forward to sharing my experiences and insights on two of my favorite topics with you.

The best way to predict the future is to shape it yourself.
Zukunftsmut in Team Offsites
In my role as a systemic coach & transformation facilitator, I work with teams in offsites to help them position themselves well for the future.
At the beginning, I frequently experience a certain problem trance: the discussions revolve around scarce resources and challenging framework conditions. The focus increasingly narrows.
But how can we strenghten a teams' ability to develop shared visions of the future? And how can they develop the courage to face the future together and trust in their own resources?

Positive Leadership with PERMA
Ease and positive emotions in team workshops
Ease and positive emotions in team workshops - a nice by-product or a key element for successful teams?
✨When was the last time you went for a magic moment walk with your team or asked yourself the "What went well?" question? When in your day-to-day work do you make explicit time for gratitude and mutual appreciation?

Workhack Stärken stärken
Workhacks sind einfache und effektive Methoden, um Veränderungen in einem Team voranzubringen. Der folgende Workhack orientiert sich an dem Wissen aus der positiven Psychologie, dass es einfacher ist, seine Stärken auszubauen als an seinen Schwächen zu arbeiten.

Team Canvas
Die Methode Team Canvas ist gut geeignet, um in bestehenden Teams einen Boxenstopp durchzuführen. Auch wenn Teams neu entstehen oder im Rahmen eines Veränderungsprozesses anders zusammengesetzt werden, kann sie hilfreich sein.
Das Team Canvas ist vom bekannten Tool Business Model Canvas abgeleitet und hilft dabei, wesentliche Elemente der Teamarbeit zu reflektieren und das Team neu auszurichten. Die Kernfragen werden gemeinsam im Team diskutiert und das Canvas dabei sukzessive gefüllt.

Pychologische Sicherheit – Erfolgsfaktor für Teams
Eine zweijährige Studie von google zum Thema Teamleistung hat herausgefunden, dass psychologische Sicherheit ein wesentlicher Erfolgsfaktor für Teams ist. Psychologische Sicherheit bedeutet in diesem Zusammenhang, dass Teammitglieder sich im Umgang miteinander sicher fühlen und keine Befürchtung haben, bei Nachfragen als inkompetent oder negativ empfunden zu werden. Der Artikel beleuchtet, welche positiven Effekte das Gefühl von Sicherheit hat und wie sich dieses in Teams erzeugen lässt.

Theresa M. Glomb
Die Wissenschaftlerin Barbara Fredrickson fand heraus, dass Teams, bei denen das Verhältnis von positiven zu negativen Momenten mindestens 3:1 ist, produktiver sind als solche, die diesen Wert nicht erreichen. Denn positive Emotionen führen zu mehr Kreativität und zu einem breiteren Denk- und Verhaltensrepertoire. Theresa M. Glomb von der University of Minnesota zeigt in ihrem TED Vortrag, wie sich diese Erkenntnis aus der Positiven Psychologie konkret in der Arbeitswelt umsetzen lässt.